Saturday, January 21, 2012

Snow Days

After one week of an overabundance of snow, I have learned so much about myself. This week has been full of falls, laughs, late nights, friends, and trust. Not only has this week been an entire week of snow days, but this has been a "Noah fast" week. But, I will get to that later. The whole week has been somewhat of a blur. As Rylie and I sat and reminisced this afternoon, it was difficult to recall everything that we have done. Although, one thing I know for sure, we did make a new friend: Marcelin. An interesting fellow.Our friendship was rather unexpected but he has provided Reb, Rylie and I with entertainment so I am not complaining. This week has been beautiful. I don't remember ever seeing snow like this. Thank God is was here with my friends!

Now about this "Noah fast." After Rylie and Reba's intervention, I realized that there was a much needed break from Noah that wasn't taking place. Thus, the fast. Now, it hasn't exactly been fun. It's been very difficult, but I have had the ability to get my priorities straight. Also, I have been able to relate to people in ways that I most likely would not have been able to otherwise. Seeing Noah doesn't hurt as much anymore. I can now look at him and know that this is the right thing that needs to happen. I don't know where I would be if it weren't for Rylie and Reba. They have been so faithful to pull me out of my slump.

God has been so good to me this week. Well, not just this week. He has been good to me always. But, sometimes we have to get to the lowest points in order to be built up by the only One who is able to build us up to our fullest capacity. It saddens me to know that it took me getting to this place to realize how truly faithful God has been. Sharing my testimony in chapel certainly helped with that realization.

This week has most definitely been an unexpected adventure. And here are the end results and realizations:
- I am now an avid fan of How I Met Your Mother
- Rylie and Reba are undoubtedly two of the best friends I have ever had
- Part of my hair is red
- I have found where my priorities need to lie and I will continue to put them there
- Sometimes we need silence to yell at us and show us the right path
- Not talking to someone after talking every day for a year and a half is very difficult
- I have an unexpected friend with whom I am blessed
- God is more faithful to me than I have ever realized

"I'm too blessed to be stressed, and too annointed to be disappointed."

1 comment:

  1. So glad you got your priorities in order! I know that is and was very hard! Love you love you! I don't know these two girls...But I know in my book they are pretty awesome! And I bet I would be their friend too! Although the whole Rebekah thing would be kinda hard! Love you!


