Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Musical Encouragement

These songs have been speaking volumes to me these past couple months! I hope that whatever they are speaking to me, they speak to the viewer too!

Emotions Run Deep

Last night was the first night that I have felt sad, joyful, overwhelmed, enlightened, and like I had the weight of the world on my shoulders. And, after crying an overwhelming amount and praying with Noah, I think I've figured out what exactly is going on. As I was riding home from a short trip to WA for Noah's birthday on Sunday, I had the overwhelming feeling of just wanting to be with Christ. No more world, no more sorrow, I just want to go Home. While I think it is a good think to desire the Lord and to be with Him, it is not good to take for granted our time here. I need to take all the opportunities I can to share the Gospel with anyone I meet! After chatting with a friend who has made the decision to not need Christ as much anymore, my heart was broken! How could I have sat back and not helped this friend of mine all while she was hurting without reaching out and offering prayer, hope, encouragement, SOMETHING! That was the first link in my stream of tears.

The second link had to do with statistics. Reading about all of the men and women who are plagued with a pornography addiction. It breaks my heart to know that every second, $3075.00 is being spent on porn. There are over 24 million websites that offer pornography to it's viewers; that is 12% of the internet! And the most shocking statistic, the average age that children see internet pornography is 11. ELEVEN! That is utterly appalling. And, I wish with everything in me that there was something I could physically do to end this! That is completely awful and speaks volumes about the world that we live in!

The rest of the emotions I felt all had to do with joy. I am just so blessed at all that God is doing in my life! I am so looking forward to nursing school and all that it will offer me! I am excited, and nervous, and just looking so forward to everything that God is bringing my way!

Thirdly - this is where the joy emotion comes in - I am so thankful to be dating someone that I can easily call my best friend. Noah listened to me the entire time I cried and what was his solution? Prayer! What a blessing!

Sometimes, girls just gotta cry. And, I did. Now, I know what I need to be praying about!

