The first change that I am seeing in my life is the fact that at the end of this month, I will be an aunt to a 13 year old young man, the sweetest 6 year old, and the most determined 2-almost 3-year old. This in itself is hard to believe. For the longest time, Bradly has been my link to childhood. Being born to older parents, and having much older siblings does not exactly promote an immature child. Bradly always brought me back down to that, and I will never question if it was a good or bad thing. Hitting, pushing, punching, teasing, loving, adoring, being proud of, and watching someone younger than me grow has been quite an experience; and an honor to say the least. As for Brodie and Brenner, well, I am still their aunty and will always be proud of them and love them. But, neither of them have been the little brother to me that Bradly has. To say that I feel old knowing that he is 13 would be an understatement. He is my first 'Changing Season.'
My second change is my family as a whole. Well, summing up my family is nearly impossible. I love them so dearly and that will never change. However, as I am growing up, my mother has transitioned to one of my best friends. She is no longer "parenting" me, but just talking to me about life and I am learning from her and listening to her. Her wisdom has blessed me and I am excited to say that I now call her friend! As for my sister, the same has happened. She is now one of my best friends. I knew that she always would be but to be able to relate to her better by being an adult has definitely brought us closer together. My father and I have always had an interesting relationship. I know that he loves me and is abundantly proud of me and that is exactly what I have needed all of these years. He is one of my biggest advocates and I know that full well. The change going on in my family is not a bad thing, in fact, it is quite the opposite. It is the natural flow of life. It is just new. This is my second 'Changing Season.'
The third change is Noah. Our relationship is always growing and I am continuing to learn so many reasons why I love him, care for him, respect him, and look forward to every day with him. I say that he is a changing season for the following reason: I am in a "serious relationship." I have always thought that saying a serious relationship was so cliche and not something I was ever going to do. But, when compared to my other relationships, Noah surpasses them all. From being able to talk to him about anything, to talking about marriage, Noah and I have the kind of relationship that I still can not believe I am old enough to have. He is easily my best friend and I am so excited to see where the Lord continues to take us. But, being at a stage in life where it is not uncommon to be talking about weddings and the possibility of spending my life with someone continues to amaze me. Noah, is a 'Changing Season.'
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