Wednesday, April 27, 2011


I have been told so many times that love is a choice. Now, I am living that out. Everyday I make a conscience decision to love Noah Daniel Irish. It is a choice that I happily make! He loves the Lord, he encourages my faith, he trusts me, and I know that I can trust him. He has a great family, he likes to talk to me (and to listen to me), he has a great laugh. He always sneezes at least five times-usually eight. He has the uncanny ability to grow a wicked beard in a short amount of time. He is willing to do Bible studies with me, he encourages me to do my own devotions, he loves others, he as a man worth looking up to. He gives me reasons to respect him every day. He is encouraging and most of the time positive. He wants the best out of this relationship.

The other day, we had the opportunity to speak with his pastor and his wife. They asked us if we truly felt called together. We both confirmed that we do. It is a strange thing to know that the man that I choose to love now, is the man that I choose to love for the rest of my life. We are not engaged nor do we plan to be anytime soon. But, as long as God keeps the doors of our hearts open to love and open to His will, we will continue on this path toward marriage. I'm excited, scared, impatient, faithful, and most of all, I find new reasons to love Noah everyday. And, as we grow in this relationship, I will continue to fall in love with my best friend. Because, that is what love is, a choice, an opportunity to love someone for the rest of your life. Your best friend, your biggest fan, and your partner in life.

Love is a choice. Love is a decision. Love is great. God's plans are best.

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