Monday, July 29, 2013


My wonderful friend Rylie (if you are reading this, I miss you terribly and would appreciate your mailing address) recently posed the question: "what are you thankful for this week?" Well, that sounds simple enough. Air, water, food, shelter, and all of the other beautifully simple and completely necessary things. However, this question has been asked at an interesting time.

Recently, my funding for school - my last 4 months of school - has been . . . dismal. Under the impression that my original source of funding had been removed, I threw myself fully into trusting God for the money to go back to school. Let me break it down:
- today is July 29, 2013 and as of today I have $500 of the $5,000 saved
- school starts on August 26, 2013 and money is due that day
- I have less than 30 days left, and approximately 1/10th of the money needed
So, when asked what am I thankful for this week, my focus must be removed from my monetary issues, and placed on those of salvation issues; not issues, but things that are a blessing to me rather than things I am worried about. Here goes.

- Although funding school seems to be looming over my head, I am oh so thankful that a college-level education is even an option for me.
- Although working two jobs is tiring . . . I am employed!
- Coffee brewed at home is much cheaper than coffee bought at a shop, and I have a coffee maker! 
- The women's retreat last weekend was marvelous, refreshing, and brought much needed promise!
- I am thankful that I have a loving family who wants what is best for me.
- I am thankful for restoration.
- I am thankful for freedom.
- I am thankful that I have not had to go more than 2 weeks without seeing my love this summer.
- I am thankful that for the first time in my life, I am not sleeping on a twin mattress.
- Young women's Bible study has been one of the biggest blessing this summer and I so admire those young women and their hearts; and teaching them once a week is humbling and uplifting.
- My church has surrounded me with love. 
- I am thankful that I am able to feel the freedom of not having a 5-year plan - I don't even have a 6-month plan!
- Although the tickets were more expensive than usual, I get to be in Oregon for one full week and spend all of those precious days with my family.
- I am thankful that I have the opportunity to live in God's new mercies every morning!
- I am thankful that the upper half of my body is tan - that means I have been outside.
- The library has air conditioning and hours of entertainment. It is a wonderful place.

At the women's retreat last weekend, we had the opportunity to be alone with the Lord. In that time, it was suggested that we just thank God. Not ask Him for anything or call out for anything, but say thank you and show our gratitude. By the end of the 40 minute prayer time, I was shouting thanks and I just kept thinking of more and more things that I am thankful for! I have never worshiped in that manner, nor have I ever put my needs/wants aside and simply said, "thank you Abba, Father, that you love me so much!" So, my question to you is this:

When was the last time that you simply said thank you?

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Spoken Word

These words came out of nowhere, so it must have been the Holy Spirit. I just wanted to share. God bless!

