Friday, October 18, 2013

Galatians 5:16-26

I am happy to report that this is not an update on my life post, but a Jesus post. Yesterday I taught on Galatians 5:16-26. It was so radical, and actually is what caused me to want to write this! May you be blessed as much as I was!  
I should preface by saying that I use a commentary by David Guzak for my studies. This commentary is easily accessible to the general public via - I would encourage you to type in your search and study the Word for yourself, too!

16 But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. 
  • This verse is one that we can take at face value. The term, "walk" means to pattern our lives after. It's not just a once-in-a-while thing when we live in the Spirit, it is a constant thing. We should: 1) acknowledge that when we accept Christ, the Spirit dwells in us, 2) be open and sensitive to the Spirit, and 3) pattern our life after the Spirit. In response to this, the Spirit will: 1) reveal His will through the Bible, 2) use others who are living in the Spirit to influence us, and 3) mature us in our faith in order to give us direction and understanding. *John 16:13-15 tells us how we know the works of the Spirit

17 For the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are against the flesh, for these are opposed to each other, to keep you from doing the things you want to do. 
  • This is a BATTLE. Straight up conflict is what we can see here. We know from Ephesians 6:10-18 that we must put on the full armor of God. This verse here demonstrates to us why it is called "armor." A good modern day analogy is this: you open up your closet in the morning to find shoes. You see black Converse and yellow Converse. You own both of them, but you can only wear one pair. You don't have 4 feet, so you can't put on both pairs, and wearing one of one color and one of the other color won't work. So, you must choose. Similarly, we have the flesh and we have the Spirit. We must choose one. We own them both, but we can't put them on at the same time. 
  • Q: What is flesh?
  • A: Boice defines the the Greek word, "sarx" as follows: "All the evil that man is and is capable of apart from the intervention of God's grace in his life." So, the very Christianese word "flesh" does not mean your epidermis, it is all of the things we are capable of (that will destroy us) outside of the grace of God.
  • The wonderful thing is that we have the opportunity to put on the Spirit of God, and the armor of God and fight against the flesh that dwells within us.
  • Matthew 6:24 confirms the idea that we cannot put on both the flesh and the Spirit. 

18 But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law. 
  • Another wonderful verse that be taken exactly how it sounds. We have grace! We don't need to live under the 613 commands of the Law of Moses. He have the grace of God and we should write it on our hearts. *Jeremiah 31:33 confirms this. (It is important to note that the grace of God does not decommission the Law of Moses; rather, the grace of God allows us to be saved by grace rather than by our own works). 

19 Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, 20 idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions,divisions, 21 envy, drunkenness, orgies, and things like these. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. 
  • This section is pretty famous - all of the major "do not's" of a Christian life in the Spirit.
  • There are 4 sin categories: 
    •  Sensual sins
      • fornication (a.k.a. sexual immorality): this comes from the Greek word "pornia" which is where we also get the term "pornography." This is a wide variety of sexual sins. Whether dating or married, single or mingling, this terms applies to all of us. It can range from looking at porn, lusting with your eyes or your thoughts, self-driven sexual sins, adultery, etc. 
      • impurity (a.k.a. uncleanliness): this is related to sexual immorality. It's the idea that you "didn't go all the way" or "porn isn't bad because I'm not doing it with anyone" or "I only cuss when I'm angry." To my understanding, impurity relates to excuses. It is very general and broad. If you spill coffee on yourself, you would say your shirt is dirty. Sure, the stain might come out later, but when you spill, the shirt is deemed unclean. Similarly, when you sin sexually, it is an unclean sin.
      • sensuality (a.k.a. lewdness): the Greek term for this is "aselgeia," meaning you don't care how much you shock the world with your sins, as long as your needs are met, you're fine. This is a dangerous state, because at this point, you no longer have shame for your sin. In my own experiences, shame from sexual sins is convicting; it draws me back to my knees before the Lord asking for forgiveness and desiring to turn from my sin.
    • Religious sins
      • idolatry: anything that we worship more than God. It doesn't have to be a tiny wooden statue, or gold calf. It can be the TV, money, a girlfriend or boyfriend, a book. ANYTHING that takes your heart away from the Lord.
      • sorcery (a.k.a. witchcraft): anything that alters your state of mind. Hallucinatory drugs, spells, potions, etc. In this, you are putting your mindset and pleasing yourself in that way above serving the Lord.
    • People sins: 
      • hatred: Greek "ekthra" for an attitude of the heart that causes an inner motivation for the ill-treatment of others.
      • contentions (a.k.a. strife): combative and argumentative spirit
      • jealousy: Greek "zelos" means a desire to have what someone else has - this is pretty similar to envy.
    • Social sins
      • drunkenness: we know that Jesus made water into wine (John 2:1-11). To our understanding, wine was a sign of joy and celebration. However, too much wine was destructive. This notion is very similar today.
      • orgies: sex between a husband and wife, within the confines of the marriage covenant and commit is a beautiful thing. However, when sex is taken from the marriage bed, involving more people, etc., it becomes destructive and has severe consequences.
  • those who DO such things - Greek "prassontes" means those who make a practice of doing, or pattern their lives. Like the previous section states that we should pattern our lives after the Spirit, the idea Paul relates here is that people who pattern their lives after these sins will not inherit the kingdom of Heaven. It's a heart thing. Our outward conduct indicates our inward status.

22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.
  • Fruit of the Spirit! The way this is written indicates that the fruit is singular - or universal! Once in the Spirit, this is the evidence! Fruit by nature is fragile (if you threw and apple on the ground, it would most likely split), nourishing, attractive, self-reproducing (meaning that if we are able to love unconditionally, there is a good likelihood that the people who receive our love, will be able to love in return), and birthed by abiding. So too is the fruit of a Christian!! How wonderful! 
    • love: this is God's unconditional love! We sin, he never stops loving us.
    • joy: abiding and remaining, not dependent on circumstances. (Acts 16:25 - Paul and Silas are in prison and SINGING!) 
    • peace: Greek "chara" meaning tranquility of the heart. When I am on the ocean shore, I feel peace. But, that is peace that I understand. This peace of the Spirit, is have a tranquil heart when life is falling apart. Not being fake and saying that everything is great, but really being at peace, knowing that God knows what He is doing. It truly is incomprehensible.
    • patience (a.k.a. long-suffering): Martin Luther says the following of patience: "When the devil finds he cannot overcome certain persons by force, he tries to overcome them in the long run . . . we must patiently wait for the devil to get tired of his game." This is running the good race, not quitting. This also allows us to hold onto love, joy, and peace indefinitely.
    • kindness & goodness: we all know what kindness and goodness are! This is a self-explanatory fruit!
    • faithfulness: this is both to God and to people. Barclay says it is the "ability to serve God through years and temptations realizing the person who does this is not a hero, but was living in the Spirit." My favorite example of faithfulness is Corrie Ten Boom. A dynamic woman, I would encourage you to learn her story!
    • gentleness: this is being teachable and not having a superior attitude. Being able to find rest in Christ and to encourage/strengthen others in that rest that you have found.
    • self-control: this will work on behalf of others. This is learning to control your appetite, and mouth, but through the Spirit, it is allowing the Spirit to give you insight, rather than drawing from your own.
  • There is no law that compares to this fruit!

24 And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with it's passions and desires. 25 If we live by the Spirit, let us also keep in step with the Spirit. 
  • This section reminds us a what Jesus did. 
    • Matthew 16:24, Romans 6:6, and Galatians 2:20
  • Jesus took up his cross just as we are called to do!
  • Jesus' death was painful. He was publicly mocked and humiliated, whipped within an inch of his life, stabbed with a spear, had his hands and feet nailed to the cross, and thorns pushed into his scalp. We need to remember that the death of our flesh, is painful. Because our flesh is something that is a part of us, it is painful. 
  • It must be dealt with decisively. If you are sinning and are making excuses for why you don't quit - do it! If you're waiting to stop cussing until it becomes more common, stop now! If you are looking at pornography and are waiting to stop once it interferes with your sleep, stop now! Sin needs to be addressed decisively. Jesus asked for the cup to be taken from him (Luke 22:42). Yet, in that same prayer He asked for his Father's will to be done. Because God loves us to radically, his will is that we would not keep living is sin. If we are supposed to pattern our lives after Christ, then when our Father tells us that we must stop sinning, we need to be as decisive as Jesus was, and stop!
26 Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another.
  • Finally, this verse can be taken at face value. This all comes back to how we treat one another. The first listed fruit of the Spirit is love; and love we must!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

These Are A Few of My Favorite Things

My last semester of my undergrad career start on Monday. That is both extremely exciting and extremely nerve-racking. College has been one of the most challenging, yet rewarding times of my life. This morning when I woke up, I felt sad - my joy was minimal. When my parents plan to come up here and help me move changed that made the sadness all the more evident. However, I am reminded that joy is a fruit of the Spirit. And, by the grace of God, the Spirit lives in me. As a result, I have the opportunity to be joyful always. As a little girl, my mom would say that when I complained, I had to say two things I was thankful for. As an adult, I have to remind myself to do just that. With that being said, I would like to say a few of of my favorite things.

1) the grace that God gives me on a daily basis; not because I earn it, but because He loves me that much.

2) my ever-loving family. I was able to spend last week in Oregon seeing my crazy family, and I was so filled with all of the love that they consistently give to me.

3) Noah. Probably the most cliche answer, but my relationship with Noah and all of the wonderful and challenging experiences that have grown us, must be in the top three of my favorite things. I would not be who I am today without having the opportunity to grow with this man.

4) music. peaceful, tranquil, simple, acoustic music.

5) quality time with friends. no explanation necessary.

6) the beach/ocean. big and daunting, yet somehow the most relaxing and calming place.

7) coffee and laughter. they go hand in hand.

8) photography. being able to capture any moment and treasure it forever.

9) food. new foods and classic dishes. I also enjoy cooking - mostly because it involves food.

10) reading. getting lost in a world that someone has written for you to enjoy.

Monday, July 29, 2013


My wonderful friend Rylie (if you are reading this, I miss you terribly and would appreciate your mailing address) recently posed the question: "what are you thankful for this week?" Well, that sounds simple enough. Air, water, food, shelter, and all of the other beautifully simple and completely necessary things. However, this question has been asked at an interesting time.

Recently, my funding for school - my last 4 months of school - has been . . . dismal. Under the impression that my original source of funding had been removed, I threw myself fully into trusting God for the money to go back to school. Let me break it down:
- today is July 29, 2013 and as of today I have $500 of the $5,000 saved
- school starts on August 26, 2013 and money is due that day
- I have less than 30 days left, and approximately 1/10th of the money needed
So, when asked what am I thankful for this week, my focus must be removed from my monetary issues, and placed on those of salvation issues; not issues, but things that are a blessing to me rather than things I am worried about. Here goes.

- Although funding school seems to be looming over my head, I am oh so thankful that a college-level education is even an option for me.
- Although working two jobs is tiring . . . I am employed!
- Coffee brewed at home is much cheaper than coffee bought at a shop, and I have a coffee maker! 
- The women's retreat last weekend was marvelous, refreshing, and brought much needed promise!
- I am thankful that I have a loving family who wants what is best for me.
- I am thankful for restoration.
- I am thankful for freedom.
- I am thankful that I have not had to go more than 2 weeks without seeing my love this summer.
- I am thankful that for the first time in my life, I am not sleeping on a twin mattress.
- Young women's Bible study has been one of the biggest blessing this summer and I so admire those young women and their hearts; and teaching them once a week is humbling and uplifting.
- My church has surrounded me with love. 
- I am thankful that I am able to feel the freedom of not having a 5-year plan - I don't even have a 6-month plan!
- Although the tickets were more expensive than usual, I get to be in Oregon for one full week and spend all of those precious days with my family.
- I am thankful that I have the opportunity to live in God's new mercies every morning!
- I am thankful that the upper half of my body is tan - that means I have been outside.
- The library has air conditioning and hours of entertainment. It is a wonderful place.

At the women's retreat last weekend, we had the opportunity to be alone with the Lord. In that time, it was suggested that we just thank God. Not ask Him for anything or call out for anything, but say thank you and show our gratitude. By the end of the 40 minute prayer time, I was shouting thanks and I just kept thinking of more and more things that I am thankful for! I have never worshiped in that manner, nor have I ever put my needs/wants aside and simply said, "thank you Abba, Father, that you love me so much!" So, my question to you is this:

When was the last time that you simply said thank you?

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Spoken Word

These words came out of nowhere, so it must have been the Holy Spirit. I just wanted to share. God bless!

Monday, June 17, 2013

When It Rains, It Pours

This morning, I went to the Y to remind the manager that I am available for swim lessons and that I would love to have a job. I left there feeling defeated after I found out that he wasn't available due to being "in training." Assuming the secretary meant swim instructor training, I left a mess. My goal was to get a job by the first of June. Uh, hello, it's June 17th today! So, I came home and began to examine the available jobs via my school's website. I found one and gave the kind woman a call. She asked me send a resume and told me that once I met her mother who I will be assisting, I can start when I am ready. Wow. Next, I received a phone call from the Starbucks manager telling me that I nailed the interview and that she would love to hire me if it weren't for my living situation in the fall. She kindly told me that she doesn't want me to have to commute to Monroe and go to school in Kirkland. That was encouraging! She also told me that I had to apply in Kirkland because I fit the Starbucks bill. So, after talking to my mum, who encouraged me to just call a store in Kirkland, I did. I called the first one on the list and asked to speak to the manager who just happened to be the person who answered the phone. She asked me to come in for an interview tomorrow afternoon at 3:30. What?! I started to freak out. I had to call Noah! So, as I am just about to tell Noah all that happened, I get a call from the Y asking me to come in for an interview tomorrow morning at 11:00. Okay . . . wow.

When I walked out of the Y this morning, all that was dancing around my head was: $5,000. That is how much I need in order to pay for school - my last semester! The song playing on the radio said: "Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord;" a song I have heard hundreds of times. But this time it hit home. I am waiting on the Lord. I don't know what is going to happen the rest of the evening let alone 6 months from now when I graduate! But, that song reminded me that in the mean time, I need to ask God to increase my strength. Particularly after feeling extremely defeated about not having a job. I prayed, "Lord, increase my strength because I just don't want to try anymore."

Now here I am. Three job interviews this week - two tomorrow. But, its not like God is magical; I could have not heard from any of those places, and I would still need to say, "Lord, increase my strength." However, God does hear our cries and He doesn't always answer how we want Him to. Keep praying, don't give up faith. Not because God is going to pull three jobs out of a hat, but because God is going to meet you right where you are, pull you gently off of the ground, and tell you that His ways are perfect - always.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013



My name is Elisabeth and I will graduate from university in 6 months.

"Hi, Elisabeth. Welcome to the real world."

Freshman Year:

Sophomore Year:

Junior Year:

Senior Year:


Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Sacrifice of Praise

Recently, my plans have been altered. As previously posted, I am no longer enrolled in the Northwest University Buntain School of Nursing. However, I am still enrolled in Northwest. I am living in Monroe in a lovely couple's spare room. I am helping to lead youth, and I am starting up a young women's Bible study at Calvary Chapel Monroe. I haven't been home since March, my things are either in storage or in my half of a closet. I have cried more in the past day than I have in a long while. I told my mother the other day that I feel like my life is an etch-a-sketch. I had everything all drawn out like I thought it should be and God came and shook everything and made my plans disappear in order to remind me that He is the author and perfecter of my faith and He knows better than I do what exactly I am supposed to do in this life. All I know is that my offering of praise is minimal at best. My offering of trust and willingness is adequate, but praise . . . how can I praise Him when my world seems to be hanging by a thread? Well first of all, I can pray according to HIS WILL. I John 5:14 says, "This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us." Uh, hello! I want to be heard - but, it is only through HIS will (not mine) that He hears me. Second, how do I show my love for God in this time of frustration and confusion? "This is love for God: to obey His commands. And his commands are not burdensome" I John 5:3. Did you catch that? His commands are NOT BURDENSOME! Well, there is a good place to start. I should be following His commands rather than my own or the commands of this world. So far, commands of this world have proven to be fruitless and futile because, "...the whole world is under the command of the evil one" I John 5:19. But, the very next verse says this: "We know also that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding, so that we may know him who is true. And we are in him who is true - even in his Son Jesus Christ. He is the true God and eternal life" I John 5:20. Well, there you go! UNDERSTANDING. That is a gift - not so that we can know everything there is to know. No! So that we may know HIM WHO IS TRUE - the ETERNAL LIFE and TRUE GOD. That is someone who I want to know!

So, having said all of that, I know that my praise is to be offered. I am serving the TRUE GOD who gives me understanding, hears my prayers, doesn't burden me, and offers me eternal life. I know that life is hard, people die, I sin, bad things happen to good people, and sometimes I burn the toast. But, hey, if there is someone who loves me enough to offer His Son as a ransom for my sins, than I ought to be down on my knees even if I feel like I will never be able to get up. 

"You turned my wailing into DANCING; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with JOY, that my heart may sing to you and not be silent. O Lord my God, I will give you thanks forever." 
Psalm 30:11-12

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

An Exhilarating Close

Another chapter in my life has come to a close. Tomorrow, at 1:40 PM, my Junior year of nursing will conclude...for now. I would love to say that it is ending for ever, but apparently, that is not what God has in mind. Rather, I will be competing my missions minor, as well as earning my psychology minor during the fall and spring semester next year along with repeating a couple of classes from this semester. My professor said to me just yesterday, "Elisabeth, this is a loss. Allow yourself the time to grieve and be sad about it. And then, move on." Granted, it is a loss that I will not be in the program, it is an even bigger loss of my pride. Having my plans completely altered, that wasn't on my list of things to do in my life; but thankfully, I have the best event planner on my side. So, as one chapter comes to an exhilarating close, another is eloquently introduced. The next chapter will be titled: The Modified Mission Field. On Friday, I move into a family's home in Monroe and I will spend my Summer working with the youth of Calvary. To say I am surprised that I will be preaching and leading all Summer would be an understatement. I am literally baffled. Praise God that He is able to fill my mouth because most of the time, it just needs to be shut! So, my book is still being written, and thankfully, I have a wonderful Author. 

"You will keep perfectly peaceful the one whose mind remains focused on You, because he (a.k.a. Elisabeth) remains in You." 
- Isaiah 26:3

Saturday, May 4, 2013

3 Days

There are only three days left in the school year until I am done with my first year of nursing school and I have no idea what the next year is going to look like. Although, I do know that it will look like what God has in mind - because I got nothin'! The best part is, I am completely fine with not knowing. I have a back-up plan. What I do know is that this year has been challenging, growing, difficult, purposeful, encouraging, fulfilling, and just downright wonderful! So many adventures that I wish I could write out now. But, with those final three days of school come more than three days worth of homework that needs to be done. 

Saturday, March 23, 2013


Sitting in a coffee shop, I overhear a man say, "I told her to just terminate now."

He was talking about life.

He was referring to his daughter and how she is so young and pregnant. I just can not believe it! Let's address my folly to be fair - I should not have been eavesdropping. End of story. He has the freedom and ability to feel how he feels and express what he expresses and I should not be judging. However, I just realized the state of our world!

Since when is it okay to tell YOUR baby what she should do with HER baby?! Let alone, to tell her that she should kill her baby. Wow. It saddens me to know that people feel that life should be ended just because of how young someone is. Granted, a girl may be ill-prepared to take care of a child at a young age, but nevertheless, it is life. Precious, God-given life. There is no telling how that baby's life will turn out, but it is fair to say that the child will, in the least, have life!

My heart breaks over the fact that this baby will enter life with the reality that someone wanted it dead. Wow.

Values - what are they?
And, where does the reality of life take importance?

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Blessed Assurance

In nursing school, they preach the whole idea of "prevention." Rather than cure someone, just help them to not acquire any diseases. Well, as made evident by society, disease is inevitable. And, until today, I was just another non-compliant human.

Despite multiple suggestions from my sister to go to the ophthalmologist, I have not gone. Until today.

He was kind enough to numb my eyeballs, expose them to the world via dilation, shine an extremely bright light in them, and then proceed to tell me that my optic nerves are "pink and happy." This all sounds so pleasant. Then, came the verdict I was hoping he was going to rule out for me.

"Because of the fact that you are 20, a woman, and presenting with all of these symptoms, I can't rule out MS. You can have MS without optic neuritis - which you don't have. So, I can't say for sure. You need to see a neurologist who will do some tests, and if those come up inconclusive, then you can go in a big machine that will take pictures of your brain. So, it's either too much stress and your body is revolting, or MS."

Well...this all seems so sudden. Perhaps I fell over once. And yes, my eyes are blurry. And I will even admit to my hands feeling like they are on fire. I will even admit to a headache everyday. But MS? No.

I am doing my best to not dwell on the "what-ifs" of this situation. I simply say that the doctor is trying to "rule out MS." Because, as far as I am concerned, these strange things are not MS. I just have a rebellious body. 

Prayer. That's all I've got to keep me calm. 

Blessed Assurance
This is my story, this is my song,
Praising my Savior all the day long.
This is my story, this is my song,
  Praising my Savior all the day long.

Saturday, March 2, 2013


I've held sleeping babies
I've held crying women
I've held the hurting addict
I've held the pen to paper
I've held the hands of my love
I've held my nephews
I've held my terrified sister after a fire
I've held the door for strangers
I've held my makeup brush
I've held cameras making memories
I've held tear-stained letters
I've held the cell phone - always a distraction
I've held anger inside
I've held hurt in my eyes
I've held fear and sorrow where no one can find
I've held stress on my brow
I've held frustration
I've held my Bible
I've held a microphone
I've held on to a podium for dear life
I've held hospital gowns
I've held stethoscopes
I've held someone's medication
I've held thoughts dear to me
I've held responsibilities
I've held a broken arm
I've held on to past sorrows
I've held on to guilt
I've held on to pride
I've held on to hope
I've held on to joy
I've held on to friends
I've held weights
I've held the weight of the world - or so I thought
I've held decisions
I've held secrets
I've held my tongue
I've held food
I've held onto the fact that even though I feel like I've held onto so much, God is always holding onto me.

