Sunday, November 18, 2012

I'm Ready

Where is my heart?
Is my mind focused on You?
You hold my world.
You gave me life.
You give my freedom.
Mercy pours out of your wounds.
Your blood covers my multitude of sins.
If I took the time to appreciate that,
my heart would be in better shape.
I miss hearing your voice.
I miss feeling your presence.
I know you never leave.
I think I got distracted.
Would you be willing to take me back?
You always are!
What joy!
You know my frustrations. 
You hold my tongue.
I will never be able to thank you enough for that.
Guide my steps.
Fill my thoughts.
Use my words.
Teach my hands.
Mold my heart.
Here I am Lord,
I'm vulnerable.
I'm ready. 
I just want more of You.

