In honor of "Changing Seasons," I will be starting a new blog journey. I am not sure how many, if any, avid followers I have, but for those who are, please consider this a formal announcement of the dissolving of this blog, and the beginning of a brand new blog! I am excited to start this new journey, as I plan to add faithfully to the new blog, as well as give some insights into what being a modern-day stay-at-home mom looks like. And as always, I will be focusing on how the Lord is working in my life; teaching me to be more like Him in my love, my actions, my thoughts, and words. If you'd like to continue to follow along, head on over to:
Thank you for following me through college, and welcome to the journey through the newest season of my life: parenthood. Warning: uncharted territory ahead, please proceed with grace, patience, and a willingness to read along.
Changing Seasons
God, people, adventures, and inevitable changes.
Tuesday, June 13, 2017
Tuesday, January 24, 2017
Bigger Than Right Now
This was the question I asked myself this morning during my devotions. What am I doing to influence those around me to want to know Jesus? It is a simple enough question, but when actually thought over, it kind of hurts. What am I doing? How does my life look different? And if it does, in fact, look different, what am I saying when people ask me why?
It can be difficult in today's society to take a bold stance on a social media platform, via text message or phone call, or even the old fashion way of communicating - face to face. I think this meme pretty well sums up how it feels at times:
But, here is the issue at hand: do you do it anyway? And if you find your courage to state your opinion, what are you saying and who are you trying to please?
We live in a country that is a hotbed of political, spiritual, emotional, and intellectual differences ready to become volatile and destructive at any moment. We have the tendency to push away those who do not agree with us - it is more comfortable to be involved with a group of people who see eye-to-eye with us, than to befriend those who may have a different opinion. Now, why should we seek those who, at least from the Christian perspective, do not believe in God, or who have a different lifestyle than us? Because there is more at stake than just our reputation on the internet or with our friends - eternity is on the line.
"Rescue those who are being taken away to death; hold back those who are stumbling to the slaughter. If you say, 'Behold, we did not know this,' does not he who weighs the heart perceive it? Does not he who keeps watch over your soul know it, and will he not repay many according to his work?" (Proverbs 24:11-12, ESV). The commentators below have this to say about this passage:
"Now, there is somebody you could help, and you know it, and you could do something about it" (J. Vernon McGee, 2008).
"You know, you can't beg off your responsibility because God knows your heart. God know what's in your mind. And you may try to excuse your actions. 'Oh, I didn't know.' But yet God is going to ponder your heart. God know that's in your mind. And God will render every man according to his works" (Chuck Smith, 1979).This is where we come in - as Christians, this is our cue: to do something. Here is how Peter put this same message to his audience:
"Therefore, preparing you reminds for actions, and being sober-minded, set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the relation of Jesus Christ. As obedient children, do not be conformed to the passions of your former ignorance, but as he who called you is only, you also be holy in all you conduct. . ." (1 Peter 1:13-15, ESV).
So what does this look like in action? For those of you who are bullet-pointers, here you go:
1) "Preparing your minds"
That word prepare (Greek: anazonymi, verb), comes for the example set by the people of the Orient. They would bind their long garments closely around their bodies before setting out on a long journey, or setting about any work. In other words, they got the extra material out of their way in order to go about their work more efficiently. Get it? They prepared themselves to do the hard work by removing obstacles - and that is what we are supposed to be doing with our minds?! Dang.
2) "being sober-minded"
This word, (Greek: nepho, verb) is pretty straight forward. It means to be calm and collected in spirit. How many of us could use that right about now? Are we calm and collected in spirit? To use the proverbial slang term, are you chill? How can we possibly communicate the grace of God to those who do not know him, if we are up in arms at those same people for not agreeing with us?
3) "set your hope fully on the grace. . ."
This gives us a focal point. This is where our eyes should be. This is what our hope should be in - the grace that we have been shown. The grace that is ours. The grace that other people should know about. This reminds us that there is something BIGGER THAN RIGHT NOW that we should be focusing on.
So, I've said all of this to you, I've used the Word of God to remind you that we are called to more than petty arguments, pretty inspirational quotes, or heated text arguments on Facebook string. But what does that look like for me?
Well, I recently acquired more free time than I really know what to do with (that is another blog post waiting to be written) and I'd like to use it to the benefit of those around me.
What does that look like?
Well, I'd like to send you a letter. I'd like to encourage you. I just found a whole stack of "thank you"cards that I don't have any plans for, and I'd like to use them for you. If you're up to the task, send me an email with your prayer requests and your address included. Let me know how I can be praying for you. If you're not a praying person, let me know about issues you have going on in your life, and, I'll still be praying for you. If you want to know more about why I believe what I believe, include that in your email and I would be happy to chat with you. Writing has always been a bit easier for me in the realm of effective communication, so I'd love to use that to your benefit.
And for those of you who just needed some encouragement to be bold, to stand up for what you believe in, to be different, allow me to leave you with this thought:
"Finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. What you have learned and received and hared and seen in me - practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you" (Philippians 3:8-9, ESV).
Wednesday, December 30, 2015
For those who don't know, the woman I was taking care of as a caregiver passed away on December 20th. It was very expected, and so very peaceful. While this was a sad expectation, the realisation of being unemployed came with a little bit more of a shock. But, that would be a very long post. So, I thought instead, I would give you some insight into my most recent revelations about this all new chapter. Please enjoy and look for more updates as Jesus continues to show me the directions He already had planned for Noah and me ❤️
Things I've learned since being unemployed:
Things I've learned since being unemployed:
1) finding a job is a full-time job - a truth my momma always told me about, but I've never understood until now.
2) so much of the world's communication is via computers; and though I find it annoying, that's just the world we live in.
3) not having a computer or internet at home has given me a new found appreciation for the public library system - especially since usage is free in Washington state.
4) I haven't really written a resume since high school; come to find out, writing a resume is much easier when you have much less experience.
5) I've never had so much appreciation/respect for house-wives as I do now; somehow, I clean the house everyday, and it is just as messy just hours later - and we don't even have kids or pets!
6) sleeping in is both wonderful and dangerous in the sense that I have no pressing issues to attend to so, why not just sleep - then BOOM its 11AM and none of my goals have been accomplished.
7) my house can only be so clean before its obsessively clean.
8) the freedom to have a hobby is a bit daunting; there are so very many to choose from!
9) I, in fact, LOVE to cook; think of all the recipes Noah is going to have to try!
And finally, 10) the only thing that I now know to be 100% reliable in all walks of life is the never-ending, never-failing, all-knowing, love, will, and insight of my God: Jehovah Jirah, and Abba Father.
Monday, October 19, 2015
Briefly Updated
I'd like to be able to write a beautiful little ditty about my life as of late. But, I think there are just too many changes to report that it will not be a quick jot and the timer on my library computer only has 34 minutes left. But, I can give you bullet points. So, here goes:
1) Noah has been promoted to supervisor and today was the start of his new position at his new store.
2) I've been - thankfully - relieved of my 60-70 hour work weeks - people still laugh when I say I'm only working 48 hours per week.
3) I was outrageously spoiled by my friends and family for my 23rd birthday: surprise pedicures and dinner with 5 fabulous people whom I love, a trip up to WA by my lovely parents, and a couple of the most useful camping tools I could have (and probably did) ask for.
4) We love living in Monroe - thank the Lord my heart was finally changed. I cannot imagine living anywhere else.
5) My oldest nephew turned 16 and got his first car; 2 things I simply am unable to wrap my head around.
6) Beloved changed to Wednesday nights at our apartment and it has been so different and sweet.
7) I've been constantly reminded how L O V E D I am by the One True God and He has shown me that in a multitude of ways over the past months. And, undoubtedly will continue to show me over the course of my life.
I know it is short, but that is the best I can do for now. As I continue to commit to decorating our home and making it more...homey...I will do my best to share some photos. But, here I leave you, mildly updated and more in the loop. How can you stop and appreciate the things in your life? Even if it is only a 12 hour decrease in work hours - there is always something to be thankful for.
'Tis the season :)
The timer is now at 24 minutes.
1) Noah has been promoted to supervisor and today was the start of his new position at his new store.
2) I've been - thankfully - relieved of my 60-70 hour work weeks - people still laugh when I say I'm only working 48 hours per week.
3) I was outrageously spoiled by my friends and family for my 23rd birthday: surprise pedicures and dinner with 5 fabulous people whom I love, a trip up to WA by my lovely parents, and a couple of the most useful camping tools I could have (and probably did) ask for.
4) We love living in Monroe - thank the Lord my heart was finally changed. I cannot imagine living anywhere else.
5) My oldest nephew turned 16 and got his first car; 2 things I simply am unable to wrap my head around.
6) Beloved changed to Wednesday nights at our apartment and it has been so different and sweet.
7) I've been constantly reminded how L O V E D I am by the One True God and He has shown me that in a multitude of ways over the past months. And, undoubtedly will continue to show me over the course of my life.
I know it is short, but that is the best I can do for now. As I continue to commit to decorating our home and making it more...homey...I will do my best to share some photos. But, here I leave you, mildly updated and more in the loop. How can you stop and appreciate the things in your life? Even if it is only a 12 hour decrease in work hours - there is always something to be thankful for.
'Tis the season :)
The timer is now at 24 minutes.
Friday, April 24, 2015
James 1:15 - The Art of Desiring
I want to go back to school.
I want to move to a new apartment.
I want to pay off all of our loans right now.
I want to have kids some day.
I want to be able to afford higher rent.
I want to work in ministry long term.
I want to counsel hurting young women.
I want to have more than one day off.
I want to not have to go back to school.
I want to just be a mom and wife.
I want to travel freely.
I want to have more goals.
I want to start crafting.
I want to tell you why this is toxic.
How many times have I made a list of things to change or accomplish? Well, far too many to tell you about. How often do I complain about where I am in life? Ask my husband. But the better question: how often am I thankful? Well, again, ask my husband. But, if I were to tell you that, this would be a much shorter post. James 1:15 says this, "Then, when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, brings forth death" (NKJV). Desire in itself is not a bad thing. In fact, to desire is to act on a God-given nature. But, where your desire is rooted is where the issues arise. Is there anything inherently evil about the things I've listed? Well, no. Most of them sound like healthy goals to have; getting out of debt, being fruitful and multiplying, being productive with my time, helping others, desiring rest, etc. But, in the list above, how many of those things are all about me?
Every. Single. One.
Please allow me the opportunity to be the first to say that I am a selfish being. I want what I want and I want it now. Uh hello, Veruca Salt.
But please allow me to also say this. self-depreciation or self-loathing is not the best way to change this attitude. At best, tearing yourself down just continues to put the focus back on you. Well, what is the best way? Your five-year-old-Sunday-school-self knows the answer: Jesus.
As our hearts are knit closer and closer to the heart of Christ, we become a brighter reflection of the Son. The desire part is not the issue. It is where the desire has become rooted. In the list of "I want to's" my desires are rooted in myself. The greek word for desire in James 1:15 (epithymia) means this: "desire, craving, longing, desire for what is forbidden, lust" (Blue Letter Bible Lexicon). This specific use of desire is a longing that is poorly rooted. Or rather, the chosen root placement is unhealthy to say the least. When I say "I want to be there not here." Or, "I want to have that not this," my desires have gotten off track. I am my own desires. And if we finish the verse, "sin, when it is full grown, leads to death" we can see the fruit of our labors. Desiring self does not seem toxic - at first. Goals, positions of leadership, nurturing, not bad. However, when your desires are based on furthering yourself - or even furthering/bettering the lives of others - rather than on furthering the Kingdom of God, well, your end has already been written.
But, desires' roots can be replanted.
I want to move to a new apartment.
I want to pay off all of our loans right now.
I want to have kids some day.
I want to be able to afford higher rent.
I want to work in ministry long term.
I want to counsel hurting young women.
I want to have more than one day off.
I want to not have to go back to school.
I want to just be a mom and wife.
I want to travel freely.
I want to have more goals.
I want to start crafting.
I want to tell you why this is toxic.
How many times have I made a list of things to change or accomplish? Well, far too many to tell you about. How often do I complain about where I am in life? Ask my husband. But the better question: how often am I thankful? Well, again, ask my husband. But, if I were to tell you that, this would be a much shorter post. James 1:15 says this, "Then, when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, brings forth death" (NKJV). Desire in itself is not a bad thing. In fact, to desire is to act on a God-given nature. But, where your desire is rooted is where the issues arise. Is there anything inherently evil about the things I've listed? Well, no. Most of them sound like healthy goals to have; getting out of debt, being fruitful and multiplying, being productive with my time, helping others, desiring rest, etc. But, in the list above, how many of those things are all about me?
Every. Single. One.
Please allow me the opportunity to be the first to say that I am a selfish being. I want what I want and I want it now. Uh hello, Veruca Salt.
But please allow me to also say this. self-depreciation or self-loathing is not the best way to change this attitude. At best, tearing yourself down just continues to put the focus back on you. Well, what is the best way? Your five-year-old-Sunday-school-self knows the answer: Jesus.
As our hearts are knit closer and closer to the heart of Christ, we become a brighter reflection of the Son. The desire part is not the issue. It is where the desire has become rooted. In the list of "I want to's" my desires are rooted in myself. The greek word for desire in James 1:15 (epithymia) means this: "desire, craving, longing, desire for what is forbidden, lust" (Blue Letter Bible Lexicon). This specific use of desire is a longing that is poorly rooted. Or rather, the chosen root placement is unhealthy to say the least. When I say "I want to be there not here." Or, "I want to have that not this," my desires have gotten off track. I am my own desires. And if we finish the verse, "sin, when it is full grown, leads to death" we can see the fruit of our labors. Desiring self does not seem toxic - at first. Goals, positions of leadership, nurturing, not bad. However, when your desires are based on furthering yourself - or even furthering/bettering the lives of others - rather than on furthering the Kingdom of God, well, your end has already been written.
But, desires' roots can be replanted.
Psalm 37:4-5 "Delight yourself also in the LORD, and He shall give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the LORD, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass" (NKJV).
Psalm 38:9 "Lord, all my desire is before You; and my sighing is not hidden from You" (NKJV).
Isaiah 26:8 "Yes, in the way of Your judgements, O LORD, we have waited for You: The desire of our soul is for Your name and for the remembrance of You" (NKJV).
The focus CAN be placed back on Christ. We are made to serve a master. Who or what you serve is a decision you make. It is a desire you place. It is a trust you build. Thankfully, we are unable to serve two masters (Matthew 6:24).
So, all of this to say, where are your desires rooted? Where has your trust been placed? Who are you trying to further? Maybe this is a message that ruffles some feathers. Or maybe this is a message that is hard to hear simply because you can relate to my issues. Well, welcome to the club. Please, if you have any questions or comments or corrections about what I've said, feel free to ask! When I sat down to write this post, I wasn't sure what the end result would be. And, to be honest, I still am not quite sure how to end this post. But, I do know that the Word of God is truth and that it gives us something to point us in the right direction - the way of the Lord.
Thursday, November 27, 2014
For Everything There Is A Season
November 2013 - Mr. Noah Irish, my boyfriend of 3 years, proposed marriage, and I bought a wedding dress with my momma and sister.
December 2013 - graduated from Northwest University with my Bachelor's of Arts in General Studies and moved my 21-year-old self to Kirkland.
January 2014 - brought in the new year with 5 men (Noah included), broken guitars, and mortars in the fire place.
February 2014 - started a new job, only to give my two weeks notice three weeks later.
March 2014 - started at Starbucks as a fresh face with no experience.
April 2014 - transferred to another store and made approximately 20 new friends.
May 2014 - walked across a stage and received my diploma from the university president and hung out with my family and my soon-to-be family at lunch.
June 2014 - went home to Oregon to be showered by family and friends in honor of my wedding.
July 2014 - watched and stood next to one of my very best friends as she married her very best adventure buddy.
August 2014 - finalized all of the plans for our wedding with the help of my beautiful mother and sister, was taken out by two wonderful friends for my bachelorette party, saw one of my best friends come back from London, married my best friend, provider, and confidant on the 23rd, and started a new job 5 days later.
September 2014 - hit the six month mark at Starbucks and became a barista trainer.
October 2014 - turned 22, and lost a friend to cancer.
November 2014 - my parents celebrated 25 years of marriage, we signed a lease for a 104 year old apartment and will move in on the first of December, I gave my two weeks notice at a job I have had for 1 year and 4 months, and I cooked my first Thanksgiving dinner last night.
This past year has certainly been filled with ups and downs, highs and lows, lefts and rights, and all that good directional stuff. It's been a tough year as well as a very...developing year. I'm reminded of all of God's promises to prosper us (Jeremiah 29:11), love us (John 3:16), and guide/restore us (Psalm 23:2). He's so faithful and so good to us. And this Thanksgiving, while I am working and giving wonderful people the caffeine needed to pep them up for family get-togethers or going to work themselves and my husband is doing the same, I'd like to leave you with this reminder:
December 2013 - graduated from Northwest University with my Bachelor's of Arts in General Studies and moved my 21-year-old self to Kirkland.
January 2014 - brought in the new year with 5 men (Noah included), broken guitars, and mortars in the fire place.
February 2014 - started a new job, only to give my two weeks notice three weeks later.
March 2014 - started at Starbucks as a fresh face with no experience.
April 2014 - transferred to another store and made approximately 20 new friends.
May 2014 - walked across a stage and received my diploma from the university president and hung out with my family and my soon-to-be family at lunch.
June 2014 - went home to Oregon to be showered by family and friends in honor of my wedding.
July 2014 - watched and stood next to one of my very best friends as she married her very best adventure buddy.
August 2014 - finalized all of the plans for our wedding with the help of my beautiful mother and sister, was taken out by two wonderful friends for my bachelorette party, saw one of my best friends come back from London, married my best friend, provider, and confidant on the 23rd, and started a new job 5 days later.
September 2014 - hit the six month mark at Starbucks and became a barista trainer.
October 2014 - turned 22, and lost a friend to cancer.
November 2014 - my parents celebrated 25 years of marriage, we signed a lease for a 104 year old apartment and will move in on the first of December, I gave my two weeks notice at a job I have had for 1 year and 4 months, and I cooked my first Thanksgiving dinner last night.
This past year has certainly been filled with ups and downs, highs and lows, lefts and rights, and all that good directional stuff. It's been a tough year as well as a very...developing year. I'm reminded of all of God's promises to prosper us (Jeremiah 29:11), love us (John 3:16), and guide/restore us (Psalm 23:2). He's so faithful and so good to us. And this Thanksgiving, while I am working and giving wonderful people the caffeine needed to pep them up for family get-togethers or going to work themselves and my husband is doing the same, I'd like to leave you with this reminder:
"Make a joyful noise to the LORD, all the earth! Serve the LORD with gladness! Come into his presence with singing! Know that the LORD, he is God! It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people and the sheep of his pasture. Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise! Give thanks to him; bless his name! For the LORD is good; his steadfast love endures forever, and his faithfulness to all generations" (Psalm 100).
Thursday, July 3, 2014
Where To Begin
Hello, faithful blog followers. It's been awhile. Allow me to update you on the current state of my life:
. I've been working more hours at Starbucks getting ready to start paying back my loans
. Recently, my supervisors have been asking me to supervise beginners while they make drinks which is a huge compliment to me!
. My six month review is in two more months, and I am hoping to become a barista trainer - I've always loved to teach!
. The transition to a new store was difficult at first, but now I love my store and fellow partners!
. I finished Microbiology and learned from the experience that as much as I love to learn about and practice science, I'm not sure that I see it as a life career for me
. On that note, after much prayer and consideration, I've been told to wait to go back to school as I am currently making a big transition into becoming a wife!
. I am going to go pick up my diploma from NU on Monday, and finally get to see (on paper) the fruits of my labor
. I love teaching Beloved and it is going well so far! I faithfully have about seven girls who attend and we are making our way through Hebrews (that is a whole other blog post in itself!)
. Noah and I have been youth leaders for one year and four months and its going pretty well! We've graduated three kids and have been continuing to learn about the other kids and grow to love them more and more
. We are also continuing to grow more and more in the community/body of the church and we feel so at home at Calvary Monroe
. My wonderful roommate Rylie is getting married next weekend!!! Which means that she is officially moving out on Monday. She was my pseudo roommate for four years, and then my actual roommate for seven months and I have loved getting to know her and continuing to grow into the bosom buddies that we've become.
. Noah and I will be living here, where I currently live, beginning August 23rd, for no more than six months (at least that is the plan as of now).
. My house is currently in a state of disarray as I have not had time to sit down and put everything away!
. Noah and I get married in 50 days! After over 1350 days of dating, we are tying the knot and I can count the number of weeks on two hands ;)
. The past two weeks, I have been terribly homesick and really missing my family in Oregon. It would appear that the next time I go home, I will be a married woman and that has been a major adjustment to process through.
. My oldest nephew turned fifteen one week ago and I can hardly believe that! To top it off, my youngest nephew is turning five in five days! Let me remind you that he did not walk or talk when I left for college!
. I have been a fairly absentee daughter/sister/aunt to my family in Oregon - no excuses here - and I feel awful about that. Distance makes the heart grow fonder, and in my lackluster communication skills via technology, I've learned to be in prayer for my family every time they cross my mind. So, they are constantly being prayed for!
That is a summary of my life as of late. Some of the nitty-gritty information was not transferred onto this post via my fingertips because it is too long to write about and this is an update ;) But, through all of the changes I have been experiencing, the Lord has constantly been reminding me that He alone is enough and that He alone is the lifter of my head and the sustainer of my life. And, He's also allowed me moments like this, where I am able to reflect back on all that He has brought me to and through in the past years, and be truly blessed by how well He knows me and is continuing to shape the woman I am becoming.
Well, dear reader, that is all for now! How blessed we are with the technology to be able to keep up with one another even from hundreds of miles apart!
. I've been working more hours at Starbucks getting ready to start paying back my loans
. Recently, my supervisors have been asking me to supervise beginners while they make drinks which is a huge compliment to me!
. My six month review is in two more months, and I am hoping to become a barista trainer - I've always loved to teach!
. The transition to a new store was difficult at first, but now I love my store and fellow partners!
. I finished Microbiology and learned from the experience that as much as I love to learn about and practice science, I'm not sure that I see it as a life career for me
. On that note, after much prayer and consideration, I've been told to wait to go back to school as I am currently making a big transition into becoming a wife!
. I am going to go pick up my diploma from NU on Monday, and finally get to see (on paper) the fruits of my labor
. I love teaching Beloved and it is going well so far! I faithfully have about seven girls who attend and we are making our way through Hebrews (that is a whole other blog post in itself!)
. Noah and I have been youth leaders for one year and four months and its going pretty well! We've graduated three kids and have been continuing to learn about the other kids and grow to love them more and more
. We are also continuing to grow more and more in the community/body of the church and we feel so at home at Calvary Monroe
. My wonderful roommate Rylie is getting married next weekend!!! Which means that she is officially moving out on Monday. She was my pseudo roommate for four years, and then my actual roommate for seven months and I have loved getting to know her and continuing to grow into the bosom buddies that we've become.
. Noah and I will be living here, where I currently live, beginning August 23rd, for no more than six months (at least that is the plan as of now).
. My house is currently in a state of disarray as I have not had time to sit down and put everything away!
. Noah and I get married in 50 days! After over 1350 days of dating, we are tying the knot and I can count the number of weeks on two hands ;)
. The past two weeks, I have been terribly homesick and really missing my family in Oregon. It would appear that the next time I go home, I will be a married woman and that has been a major adjustment to process through.
. My oldest nephew turned fifteen one week ago and I can hardly believe that! To top it off, my youngest nephew is turning five in five days! Let me remind you that he did not walk or talk when I left for college!
. I have been a fairly absentee daughter/sister/aunt to my family in Oregon - no excuses here - and I feel awful about that. Distance makes the heart grow fonder, and in my lackluster communication skills via technology, I've learned to be in prayer for my family every time they cross my mind. So, they are constantly being prayed for!
That is a summary of my life as of late. Some of the nitty-gritty information was not transferred onto this post via my fingertips because it is too long to write about and this is an update ;) But, through all of the changes I have been experiencing, the Lord has constantly been reminding me that He alone is enough and that He alone is the lifter of my head and the sustainer of my life. And, He's also allowed me moments like this, where I am able to reflect back on all that He has brought me to and through in the past years, and be truly blessed by how well He knows me and is continuing to shape the woman I am becoming.
Well, dear reader, that is all for now! How blessed we are with the technology to be able to keep up with one another even from hundreds of miles apart!
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